200 Sepolia ETH for $60

Before any purchase please always check the available balance of Sepolia ETH.

Sepolia ETH will be sent automatically to an address you made a transfer from, so please make sure you control this address (you have private key). Don't send us funds from an exchange, because your Sepolia ETH will stuck there!

Address QR Code

To purchase instant delivery of 200 Sepolia ETH, please transfer 60 USDC, USDT or DAI to this address:


This address is the same for all ERC-20 tokens on Polygon, Ethereum, Arbitrum One and Optimism network. Please choose Polygon blockchain to save on transfer fees!

You can also transfer to this address $60 worth of one of the following assets:

You can send approximate amount of a cryptocurrency that is worth around $60. Our code will calculate it accordingly, so don't worry that you send wrong amount, because there is no such thing! :) Your wallet should help you to calculate the amount to send.

In case your wallet doesn't provide you such info, then you can use this simple formula to calculate the amount you need to send:

$60 / currentPrice = amountToSend

To get the currentPrice of a crypto you would like to send, please click on a crypto logo above. You will be directed to Chainlink Data Feeds. We use Chainlink data for our calculations. This doesn't apply to USDC, USDT and DAI as we always value them as $1, so if you'd like to send $60 in stablecoins, then simply send 60 USDC, 60 USDT or 60 DAI.

A sample calculation in MataMask wallet.